How close should humidifier be to baby: finding a place for it

Having a humidifier in your baby’s room is a great option that helps to solve many problems. But the most popular question is how close should a humidifier be to the baby.

In this article, you will find out how to place the humidifier safely and comfortably.

Table of Contents
    how close should humidifier be to baby

    How close should humidifier be to baby?

    When placing the humidifier in the toddler’s room, most parents wonder what distance between it and the baby is safe. It shouldn’t be too close or too far from the baby’s crib, as both options can be detrimental.

    Basically, the humidifier should be placed at least three feet away from the baby’s bed in order to avoid too high a moisture level, and no further than five feet away as in that case the efficiency disappears.

    Also, remember that the humidifier should stand out of the baby’s reach at least two feet high. It’s better to keep it on the table or dresser.

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    Where should a humidifier be placed in a toddler’s room?

    It’s very important to pick up the right spot for a humidifier in your baby’s room. You should place the humidifier in a way that won’t disturb your child and will be safe for him or her.

    The best place for a humidifier is the middle of the room. It will moisture the air without problems and, in the meantime, it won’t be too close to the baby.

    Keep in mind that the noise level is different for every humidifier and some of them can wake your baby in the night. Check it in advance not to disturb your baby’s sleep.

    Also, some of them can have a bright display. The light can be annoying for small children as well.

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    Safety rules for placing the humidifier in the room

    Make sure that you’ve chosen the right surface when installing a humidifier in the room. There are some important points that you should take into account.

    Firstly, you should keep the humidifier far enough from the outlets. The moisture that the humidifier spews can badly affect electricity. If you want to avoid electrical discharge, use an outlet cover.

    Secondly, don’t place the humidifier too close to walls and curtains. The distance should be at least 1 foot away, as the mist settles on the surfaces which are close to it, and may bring you water damage.

    Thirdly, use a water-resistant tray from the stainless steel under your humidifier.

    The surface on which you stand a humidifier shouldn’t be affected by the water. The water-resistant tray will help you to avoid accidental water spills and protect your device from breakage.

    Don’t stand it on wooden surfaces, and avoid keeping the humidifier on the floor. Water droplets and water vapor are hazardous to it, especially for wooden surfaces.

    Never leave humidifiers working near electrical cords and wires. The moisture and electricity form a dangerous combination, especially near babies.

    Keep the device away from direct sunlight and don’t position it on a heated surface. If the sun’s rays heat it up too often, your humidifier won’t serve you for a long time.

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    Should the humidifier be on all night in baby’s room?

    In fact, whether to leave a humidifier on all night or not is up to you. Parents have different opinions about this case, so it’s your choice. Just think about the safety of your baby.

    Remember that if you leave the device working in the toddler’s room, you should control the humidity level. Too much moisture can lead to bacteria growth, while low humidity can cause problems with a child’s skin and so on.

    Thus, make sure that the air is fine for the baby. The ideal humidity level in the air is 30-50%.

    Also, don’t forget about the humidifier cleaning. Change the water regularly and wipe the device inside with a mixture of white vinegar and water. If you leave the humidifier working for the whole night, it should be in a good condition without expelling dust particles or mold.

    Humidifiers that are suitable for leaving on the nightstand are ultrasonic humidifiers, as it makes no noise, and evaporative humidifier as their condensation is minimal and it brings no harm to furniture and walls.

    You can use other humidifiers if you want to, but consider their individual features before leaving them on for the whole night. The consequences can be unpredictable and unpleasant for you and your baby.

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    Benefits of using a humidifier in baby’s room

    There are so many things to consider when you place a humidifier in the room, that you may wonder whether you certainly need it or not. Everyone knows that humidifier helps to deal with dry air. But is this problem as serious as most people think?

    Here are the general reasons to place a humidifier in a toddler’s room that will dispel your doubts.

    Preventing dry skin

    It’s not a secret that small children have delicate skin that needs extra care. If the air is not moist enough, the child’s skin can get dry, red, and irritated. A child’s humidifier will prevent your baby from having dry skin. The moisture that it provides can keep your baby’s skin moist and soft.

    Health improvement

    One more reason to keep a humidifier in the baby’s room is the reduction of the survival rate of airborne bacteria. Moreover, it improves baby’s immune system resistance to airborne pathogens.

    Thus, the chances that your babies get sick are smaller. A child’s health is unstable and needs protection, so take care of it in advance.

    Alleviation of nasal congestion

    At an early age, many babies suffer from breathing problems. Their noses sniff often, which doesn’t allow them to inhale fully. The humidifier makes nasal passages moist and prevents having a stuffy nose.

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    Can I put a humidifier next to the baby?

    No doubt, humidifiers are very beneficial and have a lot of advantages. Your baby sleeps well, and the problems of dry skin and runny nose disappear. But what happens if you’ll leave the humidifier close to your baby?

    However, despite all the benefits, humidifiers can be hazardous for babies and can affect their health. Here are the risks of putting a humidifier next to the baby:

    Bacteria growth

    At an early age, many babies suffer from breathing problems. Their noses often sniff, which doesn’t allow them to inhale fully. The humidifier makes nasal passages moist and prevents having a stuffy nose.

    Allergic reactions

    It may be hard to believe, but humidifiers can cause allergies sometimes. If you don’t clean it properly, the dust inside the device proliferates and thus may become the reason for allergy and even asthma.

    Manage the humidity process in the nursery in order to make it safe for a baby’s health.

    The mold growth

    Poorly washed humidifiers sometimes can expel mold particles. So, clean your devices carefully and use distilled water instead of tap water. Try to avoid using the latter as it may cause an accumulation of white dust.

    White dust can become a reason for allergies, irritations, and other health problems. It’s better to prevent them by proper cleaning and using distilled water.

    Also, one more reason for unwanted mold is excessive moisture in the air. You should be sure that the air in the room is not too wet. Consider these two conditions, and you’ll prevent mold growth.

    Electric shock

    Needless to say, electricity can bring much harm to babies if you don’t watch them. There is water inside any humidifier and, along with electricity, it gives a risk of electric shock.

    The situation can become especially dangerous when the humidifier is leaking. So check your device carefully before using and, and if there is any problem, don’t use it until it’s fixed.

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    How do humidifiers work

    The mechanism of humidifiers’ work is petty simple. You pour water into the water tank and the device converts water into the mist while working and sprays this mist across the room.

    It seems like with conditioner’s work, but the difference is that the latter converts air but not water.

    The problems they solve are a bit different: the conditioners are made up for cooling the air, while humidifiers manage the moisture in the room.

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    Finding a place for the humidifier according to its type

    It’s important to note that the right size of the humidifier depends on the room size. There are four types of humidifiers. Here is the description of these humidifiers and recommendations for their positions in the room.

    Steam vaporizer humidifier

    A steam vaporizer humidifier is a great device that converts boiling water into steam. This humidity way is child-friendly and suits the toddler’s bedroom perfectly. It doesn’t allow bacteria to multiply, so the health harm is next to nothing.

    However, due to the hot water, this humidifier gets hot quickly. To avoid accidental burns, keep this device at a safe distance of 4-5 feet away from the baby.

    Ultrasonic humidifier

    Ultrasonic humidifiers don’t make a lot of noise. It’s a very good option. The only thing you should consider about ultrasonic humidifiers is that you should keep the water tank full to avoid dust and mist expelling.

    If you take proper care of the ultrasonic humidifier, it will serve you long. This device is a good choice for babies. Ultrasonic humidifiers can be placed in any part of your room, considering safety rules

    Cool mist humidifier

    A cool mist humidifier is equipped with an air filter that helps to make the air fresh and clean. Most people prefer a cool humidifier to the warm one. The reason is that, besides all the advantages that most humidifiers possess, this option is the safest.

    Thus, this humidifier is beneficial for babies. You may place cool mist humidifiers near the toddler’s bed – it’ll bring no harm.However, if your baby does not feel well, the normal distance between the cool mist humidifier is 2-3 feet away.

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    Warm mist humidifier

    This option is suitable for the summer season. Warm mist humidifiers work like steam vaporizers with a small temperature difference (the latter is warmer).

    You can use this humidifier near your baby as it doesn’t get too hot. You can leave it on the nightstand, just don’t forget to control the moisture level in the room, especially in the baby’s room.


    Evaporative humidifier

    Evaporative humidifiers convert water into steam in a natural way. Their moisture doesn’t cause any condensation on any surface. You can place it even on the floor and there’ll be no traces.The significant disadvantage of this option is that this device makes a lot of noise. For most babies, it can be uncomfortable.It’s a way to use this type in a spacious living area where the noise is not as annoying as in a small room. Evaporative humidifiers are pretty powerful, so they will work perfectly in a large space.

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    Frequently asked questions

    If you are still having some confusion about the humidifier’s place in the baby’s room, you may find answers below.

    How far away from you should a humidifier be?

    The normal distance between you and your humidifier is the same as in the baby’s case. In common, it’s about 3 feet away from you and your bed to avoid too much moisture in the air.

    Remember that if you leave your humidifier on the nightstand, it shouldn’t stand right on the floor, as accidental water spills may destroy your rug or the floor surface. Also, don’t place the humidifiers near wooden furniture.

    The other safety rules remain the same when placing humidifiers near babies. Avoid electricity and heating of the device, clean it regularly and it will give you a normal peaceful sleep.

    Can a humidifier hurt a baby?

    Humidifiers are safe for your whole family. If you use it properly and take care of it, it won’t hurt you, or your baby.

    The only thing you should remember is that leaving a humidifier too close to your or your baby’s bed can have a bad effect. The unwanted consequences described above (allergy, mold, etc.) can occur if you don’t control the usage of the device.

    To tell the truth, everything in the world can become dangerous if you don’t follow safety rules.

    Be reasonable and careful, and everything will be all right.

    Can I use additives in the baby’s room?

    The additives with essential oils are a good addition to the humidifier’s work. They provide you with better sleep, easier breathing, and relieve cold symptoms, especially if menthol is included in the ingredients.

    However, for some small kids below 3 years, the additives can be hazardous. It may affect their breath or cause allergy. If you notice some problems with your baby’s health, stop using the additives.

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    I also recommend reading Salt in humidifier: when can I put it and how?

    Final thoughts

    It’s very important to know where to place the humidifier to make it work efficiently and bring no harm to your baby. Try to find the balance between “too close” and “too far”.

    For the record, only you can determine the perfect distance between the baby and the device. Follow the tips, but consider your personal experience and take into account your baby’s needs.

    Just remember that humidifiers are important devices that will be of great help if you’ll use them correctly. Keep you and your baby safe and enjoy the humidified air.

    Brian Jacobs

    I have two young children and they love walking in parks and woods. I think it is essential for anyone to get fresh air on daily basic. So, I decided one day that it would be a great idea to create perfectly clean air in our home for the comfort of my kids. I have researched a lot of useful information and would be very happy to share with you.

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