How to clean Dyson air purifier filter? [Easy steps you need to know]

Everyone who has an air purifier knows how a space’s air quality becomes after getting one. But for an air purifier to be effective, it is essential to keep its filter regularly clean. However, how do you clean the Dyson air purifier filter properly? In this article, you will find answers to this question and other frequently asked questions about Dyson air purifiers.

how to clean dyson air purifier filter

Steps how to clean Dyson air purifier filter

The Dyson air purifier filter should clean regularly to avoid clogging and malperformance.

The purifier will leak harmful particles into the air because of the building-up of dirt and dust on the filter.

This can be critical for your health, so your filters should be cleaned regularly.

Here are some steps for doing this correctly.

  1. Turn off the unit and disconnect the Dyson air purifier from the outlet.
  2. Remove the filter from the device.
  3. Rinse the filter under cold water for five minutes. Be sure to rinse under cold water on both sides of the filter.
  4. Give the filter to air dry completely for 24 hours before replacing it with your Dyson purifier. You should only air dry and not use any heating elements.
  5. Reinstall the filter to your air purifier and use the unit again.
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How do you know when the Dyson air purifier filter needs cleaning?

There are several pointers that a Dyson air filter should be cleaned. First, the Dyson purifier will slow down if the device requires to be cleaned.

Another point that the Dyson filter needs cleaning is the presence of dust in the room.

Besides, it is important to clean the filter if you have an odor coming from the air purifier.

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How long do the Dyson air purifier filters last?

It’s perfect to replace the Dyson air purifier filter once a year. However, if you use your unit frequently, and it becomes dirty, you should change the air purifier filter more often.

By the way, on average, most filters last about a year before replacing.

How to replace the Dyson air filter?

There are a few steps for replacing the Dyson filters properly.

First, unplug the Dyson air purifier.

Second, remove the filter unit. Tap the buttons at each end of the purifier, and take off the filter. Do this by carefully placing your thumbs in the internal hollows, and pushing the filter unit down and away. Remove and dispose of the Dyson filter.

Finally, replace the filter. Take the new filter from its packing and drop it into the body of the purifier. Fix it until the filter clicks, then press and hold the ON/OFF button on the remote for six seconds or more and let out the button. This will reset the filter indicator.

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What are the most common Dyson air purifier issues?

The owners of Dyson air purifiers may encounter a few common issues.

The first issue is missing visual display and filter failures. Some devices may also fail to power on fully. You may find that the device has no visual display when it is turned on.

This issue can be frequently resolved by unplugging the unit and waiting for about an hour before plugging it back in again.

Another common problem is fan flaws. A faulty fan can prevent the unit from turning on.

Lastly, dirty filters cause a lot of issues.


How often should I clean my filter?

It is recommended the Dyson air purifier filters should be cleaned every three months to move away dust. However, the more frequently you use the unit and the dirtier it becomes, the more you must clean the purifier filter.

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Can you clean and reuse Dyson air filters?

As described above, the filters need to be cleaned, at least once every three months and replaced once a year. Therefore, it is not only possible to clean the filters, but also necessary. But you can only reuse filters for about one year.

Can you wash a Dyson air purifier filter?

No, it is not allowed to wash the filters. As mentioned earlier, you can only rinse it under cold water and let it only air dry. Besides, you should not use abluents for cleaning filters.

What do I do when my Dyson air purifier is making noise?

First, it’s needed to check the filters in the unit are in place and securely in place.

In addition, it is worth checking that there are no other foreign objects inside the unit.

If these are in the device, you should disassemble and clean or replace parts of your unit.

Also, you need to check your air purifier for any visible damage. For example, damage can set off the device to move in a chaotic way and it will cause noise.

Lastly, you should verify the device to make sure it is not touching any walls or other things that can be causing it to make noise.

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How do I take care of my Dyson air purifier?

It is critical to maintain the air purifier functions properly so that it works for as long as possible. Therefore, you should keep a clean Dyson air purifier. You need always use a humid fabric to delete dust from the body and external of the Dyson purifier.

Do not dip the device into water or expose it to high heat. Also, you should avoid using harsh chemicals in Dyson air purifiers. They may damage the build-up or even make it leak.

Besides, harsh chemicals can break down the filter over time. Using compressed air in your Dyson purifier can cause it to be damaged.

What do you do with old Dyson air filters?

It is essential to rightly dispose of Dyson air purifier filters once they are no longer needed. Before disposing of it, take it in a sealed garbage bag. Also, you should not throw away the filters in your household waste.

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Can I put an air purifier next to my bed?

Yes, it is sure your breathing area is the best place for an air purifier.

Can I leave my Dyson air purifier on all the time?

It is obvious the longer it runs, the cleaner the air inside your home will become.

It doesn’t seem to have any letdowns to running your air purifier around the clock.

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Final thoughts

Dyson air purifiers are designed to keep the air in your home clean and fresh. But, like any machine, it has its own set of issues and things to look out for. Many owners face similar problems with devices, including common issues like dirty filters and noise. However, these issues can be easily resolved by properly caring for your air purifiers.

Brian Jacobs

I have two young children and they love walking in parks and woods. I think it is essential for anyone to get fresh air on daily basic. So, I decided one day that it would be a great idea to create perfectly clean air in our home for the comfort of my kids. I have researched a lot of useful information and would be very happy to share with you.

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