How to get rid of mold in the air: 3 best methods

Mold spores constantly surround people. They are present in all rooms, however, a person does not always notice their negative impact on himself. Mold is harmless in most cases, however, in high concentrations, it can cause problems. Read more about how to get rid of mold spores in the air in this article.

get rid of mold in the air

Is it possible to remove mold spores from the air?

Mold spores constantly surround a person. We can not talk about visible mold. Because mold spores are small in size, it is impossible to see them. Even if a light wind blows, the mold spores will spread over a long distance.

Scientists believe that it is impossible to destroy mold spores inside a room.

However, don’t despair if you have allergies or asthma. After all, several ways will help reduce the number of mold spores in the air of an apartment or house.

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Methods to remove mold spores

You will only have the opportunity to reduce the number of mold spores.

Mold remediation: application of the air purifier

There are various air purifiers on the market. These are special devices that help eliminate mold spores from the air.

The principle of their work is in the suction of air that passes through the air filters. They trap and remove small particles from the air, making it cleaner. There are several tips for using the air purifier, namely:

  • choose a mold removal whose power will cover the entire room that needs processing;
  • install the device in a place where polluted air will be sucked in, after which a clean stream will penetrate in your direction;
  • the device should work for half an hour, depending on the rate of supply of clean air;
  • let the device work around the clock so that the air in the room is constantly clean.

Even if you plan to leave home for a few hours, you can leave the device on. By the time you return, the air will be clean and you will be comfortable in the room.

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There are different types of air purifiers on the market that perform the same task. To remove small particles, it is better to choose mechanical or electronic devices.

Gas-phase air filters will help eliminate gases and unpleasant odors.

If you plan to get rid of mold spores in a room, you should use mechanical, electronic, and UV cleaners. You can destroy mold spores in the air if you install HEPA filters. HEPA air purifiers can absorb particles as small as 0.3 microns. 99.7% will be deleted.

You can also find combined HEPA air purifiers that will more effectively destroy mold spores. Yes, these models are more expensive, however, they are characterized by increased power.

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Mold remediation: better ventilation

Often you can notice mold growth in the room appears if high levels of humidity are observed. Improving ventilation will help prevent mold spores in the air.

The essence of this method is that polluted air will go outside, and clean air will enter the room.

There are some best tips:

  1. Open windows for half an hour daily to let fresh air in.
  2. Open the window and install the exhaust fans opposite.
  3. Ventilate the room by opening the doors between the rooms, which are installed opposite the window.
  4. In the case of closed windows, air conditioners and ceiling exhaust fans can be started.
  5. Air filters should be changed every 3 months.
  6. Run the hood in the kitchen and bathroom.

With these simple tips, you can quickly reduce the number of mold spores so that the room is safe to be in. Self-ventilation does not allow mold removal completely. If you are sensitive to spores and have experienced mold allergies, it is best to use an air purifier.

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Mold remediation: eliminate mold-causing conditions

The best thing to do is to try to prevent the development of mold spores. Often it is formed if there are leaks in the bathroom or roof. Mold spores can form during flooding, high levels of humidity in the region, and also due to the accumulation of condensate. That is why you need to constantly control the humidity to prevent mold problem and improve the air quality.

Even if there is some moisture in the room, there is a high chance that mold will appear, which will cause it to take root in the house.

To prevent mold growth, follow these tips:

  1. Eliminate various kinds of leaks in time. The affected area needs to be thoroughly dried for about a day.
  2. Install dehumidifiers in the room so that the humidity levels range from 30% to 50%.
  3. Open the window and run an extractor fan to keep rooms dry.
  4. Clean your bathroom screens with mold-killing products.
  5. If there are devices that emit moisture, it is better to point them outside.
  6. Clean and dry the air conditioning units constantly.

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When it comes to removing mold spores and improving air quality, different questions can arise.

How long does it take for mold to leave the air?

The accumulation of mold spores is quite fast. They can remain in the air indefinitely.

Do air purifiers help with mold?

Air purifiers can trap mold spores so they don’t multiply or spread. However, in the case of active mold, this option is inappropriate.

Can moldy air make you sick?

Yes, due to high humidity or the mold spores present, various health problems can arise. Therefore, people who are more sensitive to mold may develop problems with the respiratory system. Often the eyes are watery, and a rash and itching appear on the skin.

What kills mold in the air?

If you need to kill mold spores, you can use hydrogen peroxide. This is a great option that will help remove mold on all kinds of surfaces. You can remove mold spores from the high-efficiency particulate air by using ionized hydrogen peroxide.

Can you filter mold out of the air?

Mold spores can be removed from the air with HEPA air filters.

What kills mold spores permanently?

All types of mold can be killed with bleach. In this case, the surface will be disinfected.

Will opening windows reduce mold?

Yes, open windows will help reduce mold problem and improve the air quality. After all, moisture will not accumulate on surfaces.

What are the signs of mold exposure?

You may notice sneezing, nasal congestion, severe coughing, itchy mucous membranes, and dry skin.

Can mold spores grow in your lungs?

If mold spores enter the lungs, they can colonize and multiply. Because of this, diseases such as emphysema, sarcoidosis, or tuberculosis can develop. Fungal fibers can form a bump in combination with blood and leukocytes. The bump is called aspergilloma.

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As you can see, mold spores are very dangerous for humans, so they need to be removed. To do this, you need to use air purifiers and dehumidifiers, as well as constantly monitor the integrity of communications in the house.

How to Clean Mold Spores Out of the Air

Brian Jacobs

I have two young children and they love walking in parks and woods. I think it is essential for anyone to get fresh air on daily basic. So, I decided one day that it would be a great idea to create perfectly clean air in our home for the comfort of my kids. I have researched a lot of useful information and would be very happy to share with you.

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